Not a number#
Not a number is a special floating point value to signal that the result of a floating point calculation is invalid.
In text we usually use NaN to refer to the Not-a-Number value.
For example, dividing 0 by 0 is invalid, and returns a NaN value:
import numpy as np
np.array(0) / 0
/tmp/ipykernel_3961/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in divide
np.array(0) / 0
As you see above, Numpy uses all lower-case: nan
for the NaN value.
You can also find the NaN value in the Numpy module:
NaN values are not equal to anything#
The NaN value has some specific properties.
It is not equal to anything, even itself:
np.nan == 0
np.nan == np.nan
Detecting NaN values#
You have found above that you cannot look for NaN values by using == np.nan
To allow for this, use np.isnan
to tell you whether a number or an array
element is NaN.
np.isnan([0, np.nan])
array([False, True])